Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nomadic Dreams

More than once now, I have dreamt of places I will live.
When I'm dreaming these foreboding dreams, they don't always make sense to me.
But once I've moved to the place from my dream - I recognize the images that passed through my dreams.

Example 1:
Sometime in the early months of eighth grade junior high school, I had a dream that I was standing on an empty lot of real estate that was being bought by a male figure. He and the agent were signing papers as we stood there on this dusty, vegetation-less acre of land. There were finished roads with curbs and painted lines, but no houses. There might have been sidewalks, but I'm not sure.

To add to this, I remember that behind the plot, up a hill was a major US highway that in this dream made a huge loop around .... something.

About nine months or so after this memorable dream, I unexpectedly moved to San Antonio, Texas, where my father had just purchased a house in a developing housing complex. His house was the first built on the street. Before his house's foundation was poured, there was nothing except a dusty, dirt ridden square of earth next to other sandy squares of earth. I flashed back to my dream when I saw this neighborhood in person.

Shortly after settling in, I learned that San Antonio's major highway 1604 outlined the city limits, just up behind the house, over the hill.

I've had other Nomadic Dreams - at least one for each major move in my life: Corpus Christi, Texas; Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California.

The first picture of the lady day dreaming is from the lovely artist "Melanie".

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