Sunday, August 30, 2009

Doers Make History

“Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.” Philip Andrew Adams (Australian broadcaster and Humanist)

Put aside all in your mind that you consider reality. Maybe reality is a demanding job, lifestyle or family. Ignore those things momentarily and think about what you would do with your time if you had zero obligations. Also imagine you have all the money in the world and have no lack of talent. What would you do with your time?

Would you create art or music? Would you travel the world and see exotic sights? Would you tend to others' needs selflessly? Would you simply spend your time working in your garden or towards remodeling your home? Would you still be doing what you do now?

Now you are probably thinking to yourself "How depressing" because we all have obligations and we all have bills to pay and some of us lack the talent to do the things we love. The point here is to evaluate how you spend your "free" time and focus on spending your energy doing things you are passionate about. Focus on what is most rewarding to you. Don't let yourself feel sorry for yourself. Start small, do little things and you'll see - you'll feel good about yourself. You'll do things you love and you'll reap the rewards. Guilt for being lazy will disappear and in its place you'll feel satisfied with yourself and maybe even a little pride will shine through.

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