Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thoughts for American Consumers

Consumerism and patriotism are fancy words for greed and pride.

People want a lot of nice stuff. They value really neat things. Americans try to keep up with the Jones' by buying and consuming more goods. Think about how many times you take the trash out and how much of that garbage bag is filled with packaging. Try to imagine just how much waste you alone create. Would this be defined as greed?

People want to be proud of their country. They value really great lands led by powerful leaders. Americans have freedoms that other cultures could only dream about. Think about how many times you've dissed our current president (or any former president) and how many times you have not been shot after doing so. Is this kind of pride yet another form of greed? We live in a land of liberty - yet we demand more flexibility from our government.

Are Americans taking for granted the simple things in life in exchange for pride and greed? Are these really the things we want future generations to remember about us? Please do not look to our leaders to change society. It all begins with you and your awareness. Make a difference in the world. Even if you're the only one that will notice.

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