Sunday, August 16, 2009

Clean Slate!

“My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.” ~ Erma Bombeck (U.S. humorist, 1927-1996)

Why do we do chores anyway? Yes yes - we want to eat off of clean plates with clean forks and knives - but dust only to dust again in a week? Is it really for our comfort or only for show for when friends and family visit? They would judge my artsy messy apartment far worse than I ever would.

There are people who would visit a messy house and say (or think) "how can someone live here?!" They see the "mess" as "dirty" and it makes them uncomfortable. But switch places and have a messy person go to a "museum quality" home and they would say (or think) the same thing - "how can someone live here?!" They would see the sterile, immaculate environment as uncomfortable and cold.

It's all about perspective, I guess.

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